Grove Studios Publishing

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Hi Rod,

I read your book in one sitting! Once I started, I could not stop. I was being drawn in to a world quite unfamiliar to me, and I did not want to resist. Thank you for your words, your honesty, your vulnerability. Such a refreshing read. I hope there is a sequel !

A. Carmel

Dear Rod,

I’m lost for words….just want to say your heartfelt personal autobiography of your life journey as a lover of music / musician, has profoundly broadened me….

Thank you for writing this book…for many reasons. How you have intertwined your life journey discovering the joy of music as a child and growing into your calling, your encounter with God, touring, busking… creating, suffering and a blessing to so many people, those who reached out and thanked you and those who didn't but appreciated your art all the same. I’m in such deep appreciation of your story…There is so much I could say….thank you!


 Who is the Dogman?

THe Illumination

A book written for a Christian audience about receiving information from another dimension.

‘Please humour me and allow me to boldly state that I am convinced, that this is one of the most important books you will ever read…’


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